There are specific guidelines in Social Security Regulations for Autism. There are different rules for both adults and children.
Autism is a disorder based upon a deficiency in neuro-development that is often characterized by difficulty doing social activities and interaction in communicating or talking. One with Autism may also exhibit repetitive behavior. Autistic difficulties affect the information process of the brain by altering nerve cells which connect and organize data. Asperger’s Syndrome is a similar disorder very similar to Autism.
For Social Security Disability purposes, immediately being diagnosed as Autistic does not necessarily result in a favorable disability determination. The criterion used to determine whether or not an Autistic individual qualifies for benefits, are often functional in nature, each case must be evaluated on how restricted activities and interests are, and how well claimant’s communicate and deal with problem solving situations
For further information do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation with a disability lawyer at Drummond Law, LLC 1-800-842-0426.
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